Physical and Occupational Therapists
Learn more about our outpatient rehabilitation therapists:
Jeffrey Scott, PTA, BS

Education: Bachelor of Science, Health Science in Professional Development & Advanced Patient Care, Grand Canyon University, 2015; Associates of Science, Physical Therapist Assistant, Mercyhurst College, 1998
Clinical Interests: Post-surgical rehabilitation, work hardening and industrial rehabilitation, gait and balance training, sports medicine
Joel Vidana, PT, DPT, MBA

Education: Master in Business Administration, Ashford University, 2016; Doctorate of Physical Therapy, University of St. Augustine, 2002; Master of Physical Therapy, University of St Augustine, 2000; Bachelor of Science in Biology option Physiology, California State University Long Beach, 1995
Clinical Interests: Manual therapy techniques to manage sports-specific and orthopedic injuries, joint and spinal mobilization/manipulation, acute care rehabilitation
Chelsey Collins, MS, OTR/L

Education: Master of Occupational Therapy, Touro University, 2013; Bachelor of Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of Nevada, 2010
Certifications: Physical Agent Modalities
Clinical Interests: Fine motor control return after stroke, adaptive yoga for balance and coordination, preventive therapy including ergonomics and joint protection/energy conservation strategies
Dean Kashiwabara

Education: Bachelors in Business Administration/Management, University of Hawaii, 1982; Bachelor of Science Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh PA, 1991; Master of Science in Physical Therapy, Rocky Mountain University Provo, UT, 2003; Orthopedic Residency, Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles, 1996
Clinical Interests: Outpatient Orthopedics (spinal Rehabilitation specialist), chronic pain, specialized in manual therapy and restoration of movement dysfunction, Sports Medicine, Speed and Agility Performance certification